
We are a development type company pursuing identity.


From gram scale to ton scale. We respond to requests for high quality with dust, metal free. We will pursue more than requests.

Research & Development

From development to prototype. We emphasize the speed of product development and all for the customer.

COMPANYCompany information

You can see the company overview of Kurogane Kasei.

"We have skilled technicians in sales"
"We have many chemical technologies"
We are confident of development response!

Kurogane Kasei will surely grasp the customer 's request earlier than anywhere,
We will develop and produce satisfactory products and deliver them.
We will also support joint development and entrusted synthesis.
We have "Passion, Technology, Equipment" to accommodate various needs,
We aim to become an all-round player in the industry.

NewsNews & Topics


A new president Atsushi Tokumitsu has taken post at our company.


The product development page has been published. It introduces "TokeOni".


A new president name Toshiaki Ogata has taken post at our company.


Kurogane Kasei Web site was renewed.


The Minokamo factory was completed and started operation.

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Copyright(c) 2006~ KUROGANE KASEI Co., Ltd. All rights reserved